For those of you who are new to digital scrapbooking lingo, hybrid scrapbooking is combining traditional and digital tools and techniques in a single project. Emily had this shoe box that she wanted to use to make a mailbox for her Valentine cards at school. She asked if I had some paper and ribbons. Well, I had something better...
The whole huge collaborative kit from the Digiridoo designers called, Heart of the Matter!
She picked out everything that I used for the digital part and then, she painted, cut, glued and tied to finish her very first hybrid project!

Created with Heart of the Matter, a collaborative kit from the Designers at Digiridoo Scraps. You can get this kit for FREE when you purchase anything at Digiridoo during the month of February. Oh! And, if you didn't whole store is 50% off because I'm in the Digiridoo spotlight this month!