I’m stumped! Come up with the winning name for my new kit and you will get it for free! Here’s how…go out to my
Caffeine Created Designs Fan Page and leave your suggestion for the kit name. I will also select one random person to win the kit and everyone who plays will get a coupon to my store. Here is the preview:

NOTE: Deadline to submit suggestions is
Monday, March 22 at 11:59 PM US Central (that’s 3:59 PM on Tuesday in Melbourne, Australia, I believe).
Here’s the website that I used to figure that out! If the same name is suggested twice, the person who posted first “owns” that name.
Name suggestions MUST be posted on my Facebook Fan Page.
I can’t wait to see your ideas! The newly named kit will be in
my store at Digiridoo Scraps on Tuesday, March 23.