March 22, 2010

Get My New Kit for FREE *Last Chance*

You can win my newest kit just by coming up with it's name! I will choose one winner and one random commenter will also get the whole kit and EVERYONE who plays will get a coupon to my store. My original post said that the deadline is March 22 at 11:59 PM (US Central time), but let's get real...I am very rarely up until midnight, so you really have until about 5 AM, which explains why I am rarely awake until midnight! Don't be shy...I'm open to all suggestions and they don't need to be Spring themed!

Take a look at the preview and then, head on over to my Caffeine Created Designs Fan Page to post your name suggestion!
BTW, I've also added a few new goodies so there's even more than what's shown in the preview!