We'll be posting details of all the events in our forum very soon, but here are some of the things we'll have going on to whet your appetite...
- Bingo!
- Scavenger Hunt
- Pass the Parcel Game
- Speed Scraps
- Blog Hop
- A Free with Purchase grab bag
... and more!
We'll also be launching our new welcome kit in June, free and exclusive to our Facebook fans. Come on over and become a fan because you don't want to miss this!
In addition to the birthday events, we will of course have our monthly challenges: Art Journal, Template, Inspiration ... just to name a few. There are plenty more and there's something that will please everyone.
... and what would a birthday celebration be without some bargains to be had in our store so be on the lookout for a sale. And, we've got some other surprises for you too, but they're secret because they wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now...right!
Stop by and celebrate with us! We're a friendly bunch and you'll be made to feel welcome!
*Party hats from Birthday Time...Again by Dana's Footprint Designs...available at Digiridoo, of course!*