I started thinking about the gift of photography as I was planning to host this month's Quote Challenge at Digiridoo Scraps because most of our layouts begin with a photo. I treasure early photographs of my mom and dad as well as those of relatives I never met. Unfortunately, I only have photographs...no story or emotions to attach to the photo. That is one of the reasons that I scrap (in addition to finding it enjoyable and addictive!). Not only am I capturing an image, I am able to capture the raw emotions present when the photo was taken. Sometimes I do this with words (journaling) and other times it can be accomplished with a simple title, photo placement and/or complementary elements. I set out to find what others have said about photography and I came across the following two quotes:
A good snapshot stops a moment from running away. -Eudora Welty
A photograph is memory in the raw. -Carrie Latet
Join us over at the Digiridoo Scraps Qutoe Challenge Forum to share your layout inspired by one (or both) of these quotes! There are several incredible interpretations posted already and I'd love to see yours. When you participate in the challenge, you will receive this lovely mini kit from Vicki of Dana's Footprint Designs for FREE! And, the really cool thing at Digiridoo is that we coordinate our challenge participation prizes each month, so the more you play, the bigger your stash of goodies!

Here are my layouts...one with each quote:

{Both layouts were created with 365 Project by Little Welsh Girl Designs, which is a really cute kit that can be used for much more than Project 365 layouts.}
Sources: Wikipedia: History of Photography; Inventions Blog